Per-Encounter Medical billing is a billing model widely used in healthcare settings to bill patients or their insurance providers for individual services rendered during a single encounter or visit. This billing model plays a crucial role in revenue generation for healthcare providers and helps ensure fair compensation for the services provided. Here's a closer look at the role of per-encounter billing in healthcare and its impact on providers and patients.
Key Features of Per-Encounter Medical Billing
- Itemized Billing: Per-Encounter Medical billing itemizes each service provided during a healthcare encounter, such as consultations, diagnostic tests, treatments, and procedures. Each service is assigned a specific code that corresponds to a predetermined fee, allowing for accurate tracking of revenue and expenses.
- Fee-for-Service Model: Per-encounter billing operates on a fee-for-service model, where patients or their insurance providers are billed based on the actual services rendered during the encounter. This model contrasts with other billing models, such as capitation or bundled payments, which may involve flat fees or monthly premiums regardless of the services provided.
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