Badges are an essential component of every MyPlayer build for NBA 2K22. They could be the difference between a mediocre build that struggles both offline and online play and a quality built that 2K22 MT can perform the job. This is why you should not leave out this element of the build, particularly when searching for Defensive/Rebounding badges to run. If you need some advice regarding which badges that your build has take a look at our choices.
Centers and power forwards may need to add this badge onto their plans. Ball Stripper badge Ball Stripper badge will increase the chances of forcing turnover when trying at stripping the layup or play a dunk in front of the basket. It can be a valuable tool for weaker players who want to take the ball away, and be very helpful to force turnovers.
Point guards, however, more important, shooting guards small and power forwards, must have their Clamps badge. Clamps was perhaps the most coveted badge in NBA 2K21 and it's returning for 2K22. Clamps improves holders' capability to stay in front of the ball handler on the outside.
The players with Clamps have access to quicker cut moves and are more successful when they bump the ball handler. This badge is vital for anyone who wants to have a chances of stopping sharp-shooting guards or forwards who have a reputation for dropping mid-range shots. It will allow you to remain in front of them, and thus, give you a better chance of getting hands on the ball and preventing an unintentional shot.
Most players could use this badge. But big menin particular could use the Intimidator badge. Offensive players who are paired with players who are wearing the badge "Intimidator" will have a lower success rate when trying to shoot a shot that is contested. Contesting shots is the key to stopping baskets, however the extra boost could be useful. Try to Buy NBA 2K22 MT Coins include this badge on your design if you can.