Scaling Minion Damage with Support Gems in Path of Exile
When building a Zoomancer Necro or Path of exile currency any minion-focused build in Path of Exile, support gems are one of the most important tools at your disposal for scaling minion damage. Properly selecting and linking support gems can significantly boost your minions' offensive capabilities, allowing you to deal more damage and tackle harder content. Below are some of the best support gems that scale minion damage effectively.
1. Minion Damage Support
Effect: Increases the damage dealt by your minions.
Use: This is a staple support gem for any minion build. It provides a solid increase to the damage output of all your minions, making it essential for scaling your minion damage. It’s especially effective when used in conjunction with your core minion damage skills, like Summon Zombies, Summon Spectre, or Summon Skeletons.
Considerations: Since it increases overall minion damage, it’s great for increasing the effectiveness of your minion army across the board. However, be mindful that this gem does not scale your own damage, so it's only beneficial for cheap Path of exile currency pure minion builds.