Repeat the process until you are sure that your boss is WoW Cataclysm Classic Gold dead. If you receive the burn debug run to both sides of the boss you should not take burn and meteor Slash damage, or you're likely to die. Burn does minimal damage within the initial few seconds of its application.
So you can and should stay in front of the balls to help if your group is beginning to soak Meteor slosh. But if the debuff has thirty or less seconds left on it just run away from the balls in order to stay safe. Another strategy that people typically utilize is similar to the one above, however it requires the three group instead of just two, and creating an equilateral V however everything else is the same. The difference is that you're employing three tanks and move your boss around in either direction after three stacks of Meteor slash.
This, as I mentioned, was more difficult for us to do however, you should try the two methods above and determine which one works best for you naturally. If you're a melee DPS and don't have any concerns about soaks at all. You'll be on Cataclysm Classic Gold the ball at all times.