In the frigid lands of the Freljord, Anivia, the Cryophoenix, embodies the enduring spirit of winter. Born from the elemental energies of ice and frost, she is a mystical guardian tasked with preserving the delicate balance of nature. Anivia's presence is felt throughout the region, her watchful gaze ensuring the survival of both the land and its inhabitants. When you embark on your journey, mmowow items can lend a helping hand when you need help.

Hero Role and Positioning:

Anivia is a control mage who excels at manipulating the battlefield with her icy powers. In League of Legends, she is typically played in the mid lane, where her ability to zone enemies, control objectives, and provide devastating area-of-effect damage makes her a formidable force.


Passive - Rebirth:

Upon taking fatal damage, Anivia transforms into an egg, granting her a chance to revive with a portion of her health restored.
Q - Flash Frost:

Anivia launches a shard of ice that damages and stuns enemies, with the ability to detonate for additional damage.
W - Crystallize:

Anivia conjures an impassable wall of ice, manipulating terrain to control enemy movement and dictate engagements.
E - Frostbite:

Anivia blasts a target with a chilling wind, dealing increased damage if the target is affected by her frost abilities.
R - Glacial Storm:

Anivia creates a blizzard at a target location, continuously damaging and slowing enemies within its radius.
Skill Max Order:

Max Q (Flash Frost) is first for its high burst damage potential and crowd control.
Max E (Frostbite) second to enhance trading and harassment in the lane.
Max R (Glacial Storm) third, prioritizing points in W (Crystallize) whenever possible.

Primary Path: Sorcery

Keystone: Arcane Comet for additional poke damage and harassment.
Manaflow Band to sustain Anivia's mana-hungry playstyle.
Transcendence for cooldown reduction and scaling into the late game.
Scorch for extra damage in the laning phase.
Secondary Path: Inspiration

Biscuit Delivery for sustain and additional mana.
Time Warp Tonic to enhance the effects of potions and elixirs, aiding in sustain during landing.
Item Build:

Core Items:

Luden's Tempest for its burst damage and mana sustain.
Archangel's Staff to increase mana pool and provide additional ability power.
Zhonya's Hourglass for survivability and to avoid burst damage with its stasis effect.
Situational Items:

Rabadon's Deathcap for raw ability power amplification.
Void Staff to penetrate enemy magic resist.
Banshee's Veil for magic resistance and a spell shield against crowd control.
Gameplay Strategy:

Early Game:

Farm Safely:

Use Flash Frost (Q) to harass enemies and secure the farm from a safe distance.
Employ Crystallize (W) defensively to deter ganks and control vision.
Trade Smartly:

Combine Flash Frost (Q) with Frostbite (E) to maximize damage during trades.
Utilize Glacial Storm (R) for wave clear and lane pressure.
Mid Game:

Roam and Control Objectives:

Push waves and roam to assist allies in securing objectives like Dragon or Rift Herald.
Use Crystallize (W) to control enemy movement during skirmishes around objectives.
Zoning in Team Fights:

Position yourself strategically to control zones with Glacial Storm (R).
Utilize Crystallize (W) to create choke points and isolate priority targets.
Late Game:

Siege and Team Fights:

Utilize Glacial Storm (R) to control objectives and zone enemies during team fights.
Land key Flash Frost (Q) stuns to set up picks and secure objectives.
Objective Control:

Control vision around Baron and Elder Dragon with Crystallize (W) to deny enemy vision and secure objectives safely.
Combos and Tips:

Basic Combo:

Q > E > R
Initiate with Flash Frost (Q) to stun, followed by Frostbite (E) and Glacial Storm (R) for continuous damage.
Zoning Control:

Use Crystallize (W) to split enemy teams and isolate vulnerable targets.
Position Glacial Storm (R) to control choke points and force enemies into unfavorable positions.

Facing Jax in Lane: Early, Mid, and Late Game Strategies
Early Game (Levels 1-6):

Respect Jax's Level 1 Power Spike:

Jax excels at trading early due to his empowered auto-attacks with his passive. Avoid extended trades and focus on farming safely.
Trade When His E is Down:

Jax's Counter-Strike (E) ability has a long cooldown at early levels. Look for opportunities to trade with him when this ability is on cooldown.
Utilize Range Advantage:

If you're playing a ranged champion, abuse your range advantage to harass Jax safely. Force him to farm under the turret and deny him CS.
Mid Game (Levels 7-12):

Respect Jax's Item Spikes:

Jax becomes significantly stronger with items like Trinity Force or Blade of the Ruined King. Be cautious when fighting him during this phase.
Group for Objectives:

Coordinate with your team to secure objectives like Dragon or Rift Herald. Jax excels in split pushing, so grouping and forcing team fights can neutralize his impact.
Peel for Your Carries:

In team fights, protect your carries from Jax's diving attempts. Use crowd control abilities to lock him down and focus him with your team.
Late Game (Levels 13+):

Avoid 1v1 Duels:

Unless you have a significant advantage, avoid dueling Jax in the late game. His scaling and itemization make him a potent duelist.
Focus on Team Fighting:

Stick with your team and focus on team fights rather than split pushing. Coordinate engages and disengages to avoid isolated confrontations with Jax.
Peel and CC:

As a frontline or support champion, focus on peeling and crowd-controlling Jax during team fights. Deny him access to your carries to mitigate his impact.
Why Anivia is a Great Champion for Players to Pick Up
Anivia, the Cryophoenix, offers a unique playstyle and several advantages for players looking to excel on the Rift:

Control and Zoning:

Anivia's abilities, such as Crystallize (W) and Glacial Storm (R), provide excellent crowd control and zone control in team fights. Players can dictate the flow of battles and control objectives effectively.
Versatile Playstyle:

Anivia can adapt to various situations, whether it's wave clearing in the mid-lane, controlling objectives, or providing utility and damage in team fights. Her versatility makes her a valuable asset to any team composition.
High Burst Damage:

With proper itemization and skill usage, Anivia can unleash devastating burst damage on her enemies. Players can capitalize on her abilities' synergy to secure kills and turn fights in their team's favor. However, when some players choose to further explore and become familiar with a certain hero, some players will choose a safe and reliable supplier of League of Legends items for sale.
Rebirth Passive:

Anivia's passive ability, Rebirth, provides her with a second chance in fights, allowing players to be more aggressive in engagements and potentially baiting enemies into overcommitting.


Strong Wave Clear: Anivia's abilities allow her to clear waves quickly, maintaining lane pressure and control objectives.
Zone Control: She excels at controlling space in team fights, making it difficult for enemies to engage or disengage effectively.
Late Game Scaling: Anivia scales well into the late game, becoming a potent damage threat and team fight controller.
Rebirth Passive: Provides a safety net in fights, allowing for riskier plays and aggressive positioning.

Mana Dependence: Anivia is mana-intensive, requiring careful management to avoid running out of resources during crucial moments.
Immobile: She lacks mobility, making her vulnerable to ganks and engage-heavy compositions.
Skillshot Reliance: Anivia's abilities are skillshot-dependent, requiring precision and prediction to maximize effectiveness.
High Learning Curve: Anivia's unique playstyle and combo mechanics may take time for players to master, requiring patience and practice.

Mastering Anivia offers players the opportunity to control the battlefield, dominate team fights, and scale into a potent late-game threat. With her versatile kit and high skill ceiling, Anivia provides a rewarding experience for players willing to invest time and effort into learning her intricacies. Whether zoning enemies with her icy abilities or outplaying opponents with precise combos, Anivia offers a unique and powerful playstyle that can elevate players to success on the Summoner's Rift.