To be eligible for OSRS gold this aura You must have been enjoying the premium version of RuneScape for at least one year or hold the Gold Premier club membership. If you're qualified to receive this aura you should receive a confirmation message in your chat area, which will inform you that it's been transferred to your bank account. If your bank appears to be full, speak with Xuan from Burthorpe. While north-west Varrock Square is nowhere near as close to Mexico to make him sell tacos, you can still reclaim the aura from him.
After getting the aura, make sure you're aware that it lasts for a period of one hour every week. It will reset on Wednesdays. It is recommended to buy any items you may wish to use in order to benefit from the amazing benefits to your experience as effectively as possible. If you aren't very rich in mats department and want to stock up right now, or purchasing some gold to get the stuff you require by the Grand Exchange.
This aura is combined together with Voice of Seren, experience-boosting sets, Clan avatar bonuses portable skills stations, house altars, as well as Summer Beach Party cocktails. Although these methods will improve your XP levels to the point of being exorbitant, some players might consider trying to stack this awesome aura with Bonus XPs, Experience lamps, Brawling gloves, advanced pulse cores, The Ectofuntus or Distractions or Diversions rewards. This won't succeed, since Enlightenment can only enhance BASE experience gain, whereas the items above impact bonus experience, which is not covered by Enlightenment.
If you're eligible to receive an Englightnment aura, get started nowto stack your items as you figure out the most efficient ways to use your experience boost and look forward to Buy RuneScape gold the 1st day of June as it's going be an enjoyable summer. At least for an hour each week. What about the other? That's your choice, RuneScaper.