Quinn - Wings of Demacia

Background Story: Quinn is a proud ranger from the kingdom of Demacia, known for her exceptional skills with a crossbow and her bond with her trusty bird companion, Valor. Together, they patrol the vast wilderness of Demacia, ensuring the safety of its borders and defending against any threats to the kingdom. Quinn's dedication to her homeland and her unwavering loyalty to its principles make her a formidable protector of justice. When you embark on your journey, mmowow items can lend a helping hand when you need help.

Champion Role and Abilities: Quinn is primarily played as a marksman in the bot lane or as a top lane bruiser. Her abilities allow her to harass enemies from range, scout the map with Valor, and quickly reposition in combat.


  1. Harrier (Passive): Quinn's basic attacks and Blinding Assault mark enemy champions with Harrier, causing her next basic attack against them to deal bonus damage.

  2. Blinding Assault (Q): Quinn sends Valor forward in a line, dealing physical damage and blinding all enemies hit. The first target hit takes bonus damage.

  3. Heightened Senses (W): Quinn gains vision in a large radius around her for a short duration, revealing enemy units and granting bonus attack speed while active.

  4. Vault (E): Quinn dashes to a target enemy, dealing physical damage and briefly knocking them back. After landing, she gains a burst of attack speed.

  5. Behind Enemy Lines (R): Quinn calls Valor to assist her, transforming into a powerful scout. While in this form, Quinn gains increased movement speed and can quickly traverse terrain. Reactivating the ability sends Valor to attack a nearby enemy, dealing physical damage.

Skill Order and Playstyle: Max Blinding Assault (Q) first for poke and wave clear, followed by Vault (E) for increased mobility and damage. Take Heightened Senses (W) last, prioritizing Behind Enemy Lines (R) whenever possible (at levels 6, 11, and 16).

Runes: For runes, take Precision as the primary tree with Press the Attack, Triumph, Legend: Alacrity, and Coup de Grace for increased damage and sustain. In the secondary tree, choose Sorcery with Nimbus Cloak and Celerity for additional mobility and chase potential.

Items: Start with Doran's Blade and a health potion for sustain in lane. Rush Kraken Slayer for its synergy with Quinn's kit, providing both attack speed and bonus damage on consecutive attacks. Follow up with items like Phantom Dancer for increased attack speed and survivability, or Infinity Edge for raw damage output.

Early Game: In the planning phase, use Harrier procs and Blinding Assault to harass enemy champions and secure CS. Coordinate with your support to set up kills or force the enemy bot lane out of the lane. Use Heightened Senses to scout for potential ganks and maintain vision control.

Mid Game: As the game progresses, look for opportunities to roam and impact other lanes with Behind Enemy Lines. Split push side lanes and apply pressure while keeping an eye on objectives like Dragon or Rift Herald. Use Vault to peel for your carries or chase down fleeing enemies in skirmishes.

Late Game: In team fights, position yourself carefully to maximize damage output while staying safe from enemy threats. Use Behind Enemy Lines to flank the enemy team and assassinate priority targets like enemy carriers. Use Blinding Assault to peel for your team or disrupt enemy damage dealers.


  • Harrier Combo: Use Harrier procs to chip away at enemy health bars, then follow up with Blinding Assault and Vault for burst damage.
  • Assassination Combo: Activate Behind Enemy Lines to quickly close the gap on a priority target, then use Vault and basic attacks to burst them down.

Team Compositions:

  • Engage Composition: Pair Quinn with champions like Leona, Alistar, or Nautilus who can engage in fights and lock down targets, allowing Quinn to follow up with damage from range.
  • Protect the Carry Composition: Quinn fits well into compositions that aim to protect a hyper-carry like Jinx or Vayne. Use Quinn's mobility and peel to keep the carry safe while dealing damage from afar.

Quinn's strength lies in her ability to quickly reposition in combat, harass enemies from range, and assassinate priority targets. Mastering her combos and positioning is key to unlocking her full potential on the Rift.

Facing Darius: Laning and Teamfight Strategies with Quinn

Early Game: Against Darius, your goal is to harass him early and deny him the opportunity to stack his passive, Hemorrhage. Use your range advantage to poke him with basic attacks and Blinding Assault (Q) while avoiding his Decimate (Q) and Apprehend (E). Be cautious of getting caught by his apprehend, as it can lead to a devastating trade or even a kill for Darius. Focus on farming safely and look for opportunities to punish him when his abilities are on cooldown.

Mid-Game: As the game progresses, Darius becomes a threat with his damage and tackiness. Roam to other lanes to help secure objectives and snowball your team's advantage. In team fights, focus on kiting Darius and use Vault (E) to disengage if he tries to engage with you. Your goal is to whittle down his health from range and avoid his devastating ultimate, Noxian Guillotine.

Late Game: In late-game team fights, Darius can be a frontline menace with his ability to soak up damage and deal it back in return. Position yourself carefully to stay out of his apprehend range and continue to harass him with Blinding Assault and basic attacks. Use Behind Enemy Lines (R) to reposition if necessary and focus on taking down priority targets while keeping Darius at bay. 

Why Quinn is a Good Pick:

Quinn excels against Darius due to her range advantage, mobility, and ability to kite. She can harass him from range and avoid his all-ins with Vault. Additionally, her Behind Enemy Lines (R) allows her to quickly reposition in team fights, making it difficult for Darius to catch her out of position. However, for some players, the way to improve the game experience is not only to understand and master a certain hero. Some players pay more attention to the appearance of the hero and choose to buy lol skins.

Playing Quinn Effectively:

  • Harassment: Abuse your range advantage to constantly harass Darius with basic attacks and Blinding Assaults.
  • Mobility: Use Vault to dodge Darius' abilities and reposition yourself in fights to stay out of his reach.
  • Roaming: Take advantage of Quinn's mobility to roam to other lanes and secure objectives for your team.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Quinn:

  • Advantages: Quinn has strong poke, mobility, and roam potential. She can bully melee champions like Darius in the lane and snowball other lanes with her roaming.
  • Disadvantages: Quinn can be squishy and vulnerable to being caught out of position. Her damage falls off in the late game compared to traditional marksmen.


Quinn is a strong pick against Darius due to her ability to harass, kite, and roam effectively. By utilizing her range advantage and mobility, you can outmaneuver Darius and secure victory for your team. Practice these strategies and continue refining your Quinn gameplay to become a formidable force on the Rift.