Lee Sin, the Blind Monk, is a martial artist from Ionia who seeks enlightenment through combat. Despite losing his sight in a tragic accident, Lee Sin honed his other senses to perfection and used his skills to protect the people of Ionia from tyranny and injustice. He wanders the land, seeking out worthy opponents to test his strength and resolve. When you embark on your journey, mmowow can lend a helping hand when you need help.

Hero Position:

In League of Legends, Lee Sin is classified as a fighter with strong dueling and mobility capabilities, often played in the jungle or top lane.

Skill Introduction:

  1. Sonic Wave / Resonating Strike (Q): Lee Sin sends out a sonic wave, revealing the first enemy hit. If he hits the same target again with Resonating Strike, he dashes to them and deals bonus damage based on their missing health.
  2. Safeguard / Iron Will (W): Safeguard shields Lee Sin or an allied champion and grants bonus life steal and spell vamp. Iron Will grants bonus life steal and spell vamp for a short duration.
  3. Tempest / Cripple (E): Tempest deals AoE damage around Lee Sin, revealing enemies hit. Cripple slows enemies hit and reduces their attack speed.
  4. Dragon's Rage (R): Lee Sin delivers a powerful roundhouse kick to a target enemy champion, knocking them back and dealing damage. Enemies hit by the target are also knocked back and take damage.

Skill Leveling and Strategy:

In the early game, prioritize leveling Sonic Wave / Resonating Strike (Q) for ganking potential and Tempest / Cripple (E) for AoE damage and crowd control. Maximize Safeguard / Iron Will (W) second for sustain in the jungle or trading in the lane. Upgrade Dragon's Rage (R) whenever possible for increased kill pressure.


For Lee Sin, Conqueror is a popular keystone choice, providing bonus damage and healing over sustained fights. Pair it with Triumph for additional healing and Tenacity to reduce crowd control effects. Legend: Alacrity offers increased attack speed, while the secondary tree can vary depending on playstyle, with options like Domination for additional burst damage or Resolve for increased durability.


Start with Hunter's Machete and Refillable Potion for sustain in the jungle or Doran's Blade for extra damage in the lane. Rush items like Eclipse for dueling potential and mobility, followed by Sterak's Gage for survivability and Black Cleaver for armor shred and cooldown reduction. Finish with items like Guardian Angel for added survivability or Ravenous Hydra for increased damage and sustain.

Early, Mid, and Late Game:

In the early game, focus on farming and looking for gank opportunities with Sonic Wave / Resonating Strike (Q). Prioritize objectives like Dragon and Rift Herald to snowball your team's advantage.

In the mid-game, look to pressure lanes and secure objectives while maintaining vision control. Use Dragon's Rage (R) to peel for your carries or kick priority targets into your team.

In the late game, transition into a frontline role and peel for your carries with Safeguard / Iron Will (W) and Dragon's Rage (R). Look for opportunities to engage in fights and catch out priority targets with Sonic Wave / Resonating Strike (Q) and Tempest / Cripple (E).

Recommended Team Compositions:

  1. Engage Composition: Pair Lee Sin with champions like Orianna, Malphite, or Leona for strong engagement potential. Use Dragon's Rage (R) to kick priority targets into your team and start fights on your terms.

  2. Split Push Composition: Lee Sin excels at split pushing due to his mobility and dueling potential. Combine him with champions like Fiora, Twisted Fate, or Camille to apply pressure in side lanes while the rest of the team secures objectives.

  3. Protect the Carry Composition: Lee Sin can function as a secondary carry in compositions focused on protecting a hyper carry like Jinx, Kog'Maw, or Vayne. Use Dragon's Rage (R) to peel for the carry and create space for them to deal damage.

Lee Sin's versatile kit and high skill ceiling make him a popular pick for players who enjoy aggressive playstyles and outplaying opponents with flashy mechanics. By mastering his combo sequences and understanding his strengths in different stages of the game, you can become a formidable force on the Rift, leading your team to victory with precision and finesse. But for some players, one of the ways to improve the gaming experience is to find a safe and reliable supplier of cheap league of legends accounts.

Facing Akali in Lane:

Early Game: Against Akali in the early game, focus on poking her down with ranged abilities and avoiding extended trades. Akali excels at short trades with her burst damage and sustains from her passive, so try to bait out her abilities before going for an all-in engage.

Mid-Game: In the mid-game, Akali will start roaming and looking for opportunities to snowball other lanes. Push the wave and follow her movements, looking to counter-gank or apply pressure elsewhere on the map. Be mindful of her ability to flank and assassinate squishy targets in skirmishes.

Late Game: As the game progresses into the late game, Akali becomes a potent assassin with the ability to burst down priority targets in team fights. Stay grouped with your team and prioritize vision control to deny Akali opportunities to flank. Position yourself carefully in team fights to avoid getting caught out by her engagement.

Team Fight Tactics: In team fights against Akali, focus on peeling for your carries and denying her access to the backline. Use crowd control abilities to interrupt her combos and burst her down before she can assassinate your carries. Coordinate with your team to focus her down quickly and prevent her from snowballing fights.

Why Akali is a Popular Pick: Akali is a popular pick for players due to her high mobility, burst damage, and outplay potential. Her ability to dash in and out of fights makes her a formidable assassin, capable of single-handedly turning fights in her team's favor. Additionally, her shroud provides her with safety and allows her to outmaneuver opponents.

Playing Akali: To excel with Akali, focus on landing her skill shots and weaving in and out of fights with her mobility. Use her shroud to outplay opponents and set up for engages or disengages. In team fights, prioritize targeting squishy carries and using your mobility to dodge enemy abilities and burst them down.

Strengths and Weaknesses: Akali's strengths lie in her high mobility, burst damage, and outplay potential. She excels at diving into the backline and assassinating priority targets with her combos. However, she can be vulnerable to crowd control and burst damage, as her sustain relies on landing abilities and using her passive effectively.

Conclusion: In conclusion, mastering Akali requires good mechanics, game knowledge, and decision-making to maximize her strengths and mitigate her weaknesses. By understanding her kit and playstyle, you can become a formidable assassin on the Rift, capable of turning fights in your team's favor with precise execution and calculated aggression.