Airing from 1999 to 2007, The Sopranos follows the head of Elden Ring Runes an infamous crime family from New Jersey who struggles to control his criminal empire and mental health. As one of the most beloved TV shows of all time it employs expert storytelling and direction tackle controversial issues like crime, American culture and mental health. The show has also spawned several memes, most of which have been adapted to video games. One particular scene in the show where Tony Soprano flees from the FBI has turned into a viral meme that has seen one fan inject Tony Soprano into Fallout: New Vegas to make him escape from a deadly Deathclaw.

Reddit user SuperGalaxy3000 has now inserted The Sopranos characters into Elden Ring to reflect most players' initial experiences. The scene was intended to depict Tony fleeing from the FBI however, the incredible version instead has the mafia don flee in the direction of Tree Sentinel. The field boss can be seen at the point that Elden Ring players enter the opening area of Limgrave the Limgrave area, which causes many to be stunned and defeated by the enemy's speed and power. Tony Soprano knows when to reduce his losses The SuperGalaxy3000 video shows the character's varsity athletic potential by leading him to flee immediately.

Many Elden Ring fans have used memes to mock the soulslike epic, but others make use of them to critique the competitors. There's an Elden Ring meme about Ubisoft, for example, envisions the FromSoftware version as a cluttered mess to demonstrate its strengths over other games. The meme fills the game's clean user interface using quest logs a mini-map as well as ads for microtransactions inside the game to look like an Ubisoft project. While this attack on Elden Ring Items for sale Ubisoft's open world games such as Assassin's creed isn't justified but the meme shows how Elden Ring has delivered the most unique open-world experience.