If you have at minimum five silver coins then you'll need to Dark And Darker Gold access the Merchants tab and choose the Treasurer's photograph. In the Buy menu, you'll notice that he's selling coins in different sizes and the gold bags that have been added recently. To purchase a single piece of gold, it's necessary to have at least five silver coins. That means you'll be required to accumulate coins of silver coins from your Stash before getting a decent quantity of gold.
Silver coins are essentially the second-tier currency, with the only use is to sell into gold once you've collected enough. It is then possible to put your gold in bags, which are designed to hold up to five piles of gold coins to give you greater inventory space. This will make it very simple to cut down on the currency in your inventory.
This currency is meant be used to enhance the loot of the game, but certain players prefer leaving these behind. Then you'll be aware of the places to sell this Silver coins in Dark and Darker.
Dark and Darker is a classic RPG variation on this genre and is exploding with fans on Twitch and YouTube ever since the game's playtest started. Many streamers have been giving their thoughts on the class and balancing in the game, with some opinions prevailing over others. A recent streamer came to the defense of this Wizard class... right before murdering one with an axe to the face.
In a clip from CohhCarnage through Twitter viewers can watch co-streamers defend his Wizard class while looting some goblins. He says that Wizards are the best class to play. Wizard can absolutely beat him as an Barbarian and then gives way to the possibility of a Wizard during the process of cheap Dark And Darker Gold casting a spell. Without hesitation, CohhCarnage swings the axe and kills the mage in just one blow.