Silver coins are Dark And Darker Gold generally considered to be the second-tier currency, their only real use being to exchange them for gold when you've accumulated enough. You can then place the gold into the bags that hold up to five boxes of gold coins in order to create greater inventory space. This will make it easy to cut down on the amount of currency you have in your inventory.
The intention of the currency is to increase the amount of loot available to the game, but some players would rather leave the coins behind. Then you'll know about selling this silver coins to buy them in Dark and Darker.
Dark and Darker is a classic RPG version of Loot Extraction and has been exploding with fans on Twitch and YouTube as of the playtest began. A lot of streamers have offered their thoughts on the class as well as balancing games, but with certain opinions prevailing over others. One streamer recently came to defend the Wizard class... just before murdering one by axing his face.
In a video from CohhCarnage On Twitter viewers are able to hear co-streamers defend his Wizard class as he's looting some goblins. He says that a Wizard could be as strong as the Barbarian however, he lets in an Wizard when he's casting a spell. Without thinking twice, CohhCarnage swings the axe and kills the mage in just one strike.
If you compare them side-by-side, it's not clear who would win in the event of a Barbarian or Wizard stand-off. It all depends about the amount of distance they're separated by as well as the Wizard being able to employ several ranged weapons that the Barbarian doesn't have access to. A Barbarian who is close to the Wizard can utilize the Wizard's vulnerability to cheap Dark And Darker Gold physical damage, but.