If I don't have Augury/Rigour prayers are I on curses? If so , which ones should I SoulSplit , if any? If you don't suck at flashing, consider soul splitting whenever there are only a few enemies on you. If you are averse to cheap runescape gold flashing, you'll be able to fight 2 meleers or 2 rangers and 1 small mage to split your soul.
If I have dreadnips , can I put them on pickaxe and also bank the dills? Only if you also have Titan, which aren't if you're using an axe. Are the Jad's tanks in Ganodermic legs + top doable or better to pray or flick?
Prayer switching isn't difficult. Only flinch if you really get into it. If I'm bringing 2 tort pouches and scrolls with a unicorn should I exchange beer with the scrolls? My gear setupis 1k Diamond Bolts (e) I'm pretty sure that runite bolts are better overall. Broads are a good choice, or you could test Karil's.
Neitiznot Helmet If you do not have a titan you could consider switching to a defensive helm , such as Gano and Verac. However, it's not essential. Armadyl Platebody will work well. If you're in a pinch, utilize royal Dhide. Chaotic Crossbow Karil's may work nearly as effectively as runite bolts.
Standard 3:1 ratio is good enough. Fill inv+tort up until you have two inv spaces left. Fill that space up with junk food, such as shark because you'll be replacing them with crystals. I will also be filling one of my Torts with beer prior to entering. Any additional suggestions. Make use of resizable screens to view more of the screen. Dreadnips are the best for high defence+hp enemies, namely the big jads and mages. Mage jads can be avoided if you don't shy away from their attacks.
Wave 35 jads can't be moved, so even if you're not keen on prayer switching you'll have to practice it for at minimum one jad. Smokey's strategy of standing to the west , then walking toward the jad required. Sit on NE side of the rock and then use invulnerability crystals as soon as you can.
If you attack jad one time, you can create a Dreadnip on it. Then, attack the meleer with a mage. In the end, jad will be the only thing that can be able to attack you. Haraken's head cannot spawn on the W,E,and S sides.
I have successfully complete my Slayer challenge. There are no more tricks to be learned. So, I accepted Sumona's challenge of rs gp slaying the infamous Kalphite Queen. The click on my picture will show my stats to help you remember.