DB: It's not a specific amount. We try to service all three areas as far as we can. If we ever make any kind of Lost Vikings hero, there won't be 15 Lost Vikings heroes in the game. There would only be one or maybe two buy WoTLK Gold.
As for the rules and ratios, I'm sure you'll notice over time and maybe even a more now, a couple more World of Warcraft characters than any other game we play. This is due to the lore associated with World of Warcraft is so extremely well-developed and World of Warcraft was our first big game that had multiple versions, and even a massive MMO. We try to make it a bit more diversified for sure.
ZT: How much of an impact does the community have in guiding the development of the game in its alpha and beta phases?
DB This is going to be pretty significant. I'm not sure how it'll take, but it made a significant impact on the game Starcraft. We made many changes to the game in response to community feedback. A lot of the mechanics included in the game were inspired by concerns that the community expressed about ability cap and ensuring that the game was tough enough for Esports.
Different maps can feature different objectives.
One thing I really loved in the initial Starcraft II: Wings of Liberty was making sure that the map's dimensions were not so small that the game wasn't about expanding the map The community would argue with us about that. In the end, they were right. We ended up with much larger maps by the moment we reached Heart of the Swarm. They were entirely correct cheap WoW WoTLK Classic Gold.