Aviansies can be a good source of income and can be a great exp. But I'm also afraid like Yaks and are beginning to OSRS gold get a lot of bots. Hope I helped. Range is probably one of my weaker CB Skills for training on.

In about 1 month I'll be able for Frost Dragons (85 Dungeoneering). Within three months I'll be able to complete 100 Dungeoneering (6 chaotics). I was thinking about giving myself two years (maxing out, etc.) and then join the Nexing team w/ pro equipment, even on my own if it's possible, or you could give me one year to get CLOSE, or, heck, maybe you could even reach your max through doing Frost Dragons and then also have an ely in roughly 1 year.

I'm not quite sure what I should do though, and, really I'm just trying to find something that is a priority. I'm done with PvPing until Jagex solves the PJ system, so, PvM is how I'll be rolling.

I've witnessed the soak damage - and, really, it doesn't amuse me. That's the primary reason I'm inclined towards Elysian. (14 percent Soak = 200. E.g., 300 hit will only soak 14 dmg. 14% Soak refers to the "20 20% soak" as it says in The KB.

If I've missed mentioning this, when I reach Elysian, I'll be dunging up to 99 then possibly 120. If you're saying "BUT You've failed 120!" well, as I said this is a longer term goal. 1-2 years. I'm wondering what your opinion is on. Would like to know why either of the two, not just the "ELY" as well as a "99 DUNG" comment. This is why I'm trying to find a reason and not an answer. Sorry if I confused you If you have any questions, please post anything or old school runescape gold message me directly about this.